No i think they suddenly showed cossete's power and now suddenly they are saying keira will be beheaded. Keira didn’t even do anything. So i thought it's rushed.
No i think they suddenly showed cossete's power and now suddenly they are saying keira will be beheaded. Keira didn’t even do anything. So i thought it's rushed. Sleepy_doggo
It was already explained in-depth in the starting chapters of the story so it definitely would be repetitive if it was explained again. That's what I think.
No i think they suddenly showed cossete's power and now suddenly they are saying keira will be beheaded. Keira didn’t even do anything. So i thought it's rushed. Sleepy_doggo
Chapters 41-43 were flashbacks. In the present mc and coochie just met for the "first" time.
Is it just me who thinks this story is being rushed?