i want to hear other people's opinions on this !!

やおい伝説 July 11, 2021 7:25 am

there's a lot of loose ends that the author needs to tie up. if they can do that well in the last chapter, that's super impressive, but i doubt that'll happen. the parts about eunsung's self harm and his suicidal tendencies(?) are what im the most curious about.

these few chapters have also felt rushed and a bit poorly written imo? as much as i still enjoyed them, i feel like having eunsung ignore jaehong seemingly because he was extremely hurt just for it to end up with him "thinking for a bit" and then going out to eat was underwhelming. some people may not like a lot of conflict, but i think having eunsung genuinely being upset about jaehong's words would've been able to bring up some character development for jaehong? it feels a little weird for someone to say something so hurtful, that you're basically two timing them, and then have them forgive you easily. ngl the scene where they slept together didn't feel all that deserved? it still feels like their relationship is wobbly ://
