First of all: no they don't.
Second of all: he never said he hates his job. He talked about one aspect of his job that he finds difficult and not so pleasant. Everyone can list a few things they don't like about their jobw it's not limited to pornstars. That doesn't mean they hate their job ad want to change it.
First of all: yes they do look it up, they branch out
Second of all: pornstar is just another job but it's so much more if they're in a relationship, they share bodies with people other than lovers, quite different from sharing files and filing tax returns.
If people hate their jobs, they branch out to different one, it's healthier to do that. It was implied in manga that seme didn't like sleeping with others so I assumed he hated it. It's a yaoi manga I will not analyse and deduct bye
Po*nstars always try to phase out from their profession to a new, higher paying one. Studying on the side while applying for jobs is always possible. Idk why seme isn't trying if he hates his job so much