
MoonStalker July 11, 2021 12:53 am

*this is copy paste from novel spoiler"

the father wants to maintain his dumb neutrality shit soo
1) He sees the first wife getting harassed by second one, ignores her.
2) First wife is pregnant, seeing attitude of his, second wife and family tries to get her assassinated, he knows and still ignores
3) First wife in utter despair and her unborn child is dead, she contracts with demon to take her soul but make her child live, She dies, along with real cossette and demon takes on the baby form.
4) Abused keira whole childhood and treated her as an unwanted child
5) During whole cossette fiasco, He knew Keira was his real child, but he himself voted for her execution. Because all that mattered for him was his house having the great spirit and maintaing their status
6) Keira dies, spirit are angered, cossette reveals her true color and whole kingdom is destroyed
7) To save his own ass , he tries to reverse time using spirits power ( and thinks keira is revived as a side effect , not his intention)

So the dude literally caused murder of his wife (wives), both daughters and half of humanity.
But its all good, cuz daddy is the daddy always.

My thoughts is that, I agree that negligence from Duke is the cause from all this fiascos. Duke did care about Kiera but he biased towards Cossette. We can see that if he just 'natural' like what happens when both wives fighting, he will ignore and didn't take side. But instead, he took Cossette side. He did feel (a bit) sad from Kiera's execution but he just follow what majority wants.

    shilohsavage July 11, 2021 1:20 am

    what actual garbage

    Lari July 11, 2021 1:33 am

    Hold on. Is the second wife, kiera's mother? So, Kiera's mother abused Cosettes mother is that what you mean?

    I'm also confused if kiera and her brother had the same mother.

    MoonStalker July 11, 2021 5:40 am
    Hold on. Is the second wife, kiera's mother? So, Kiera's mother abused Cosettes mother is that what you mean?I'm also confused if kiera and her brother had the same mother. Lari

    Yes, Kiera's mother abused Cossette's mother and exile her from the household from being infertile. I think she jealous because Duke actually like Cossette's mom more.

    I think they have same mother seems duke doesn't have 3rd wife

    Lari July 11, 2021 8:02 am
    Yes, Kiera's mother abused Cossette's mother and exile her from the household from being infertile. I think she jealous because Duke actually like Cossette's mom more.I think they have same mother seems duke do... MoonStalker

    Goddamn.. and here I was respecting Kiera's mother cause she says she trusts her. No wonder the duke didn't treat kiera better. A shitty father and a shitty mother. Wow. That household needs cleansing

    ChuYang July 11, 2021 8:06 am
    Yes, Kiera's mother abused Cossette's mother and exile her from the household from being infertile. I think she jealous because Duke actually like Cossette's mom more.I think they have same mother seems duke do... MoonStalker

    Yeah he liked Cosette's mom more but that didn't stop him from holding to his neutrality sh!t and watching Cosette's mom be abused.