Dd4eva July 11, 2021 12:45 am

Don’t read if you don’t want to

Let me say this I feel like that Ibelina wouldn’t have gotten pushed into the lake if Diego hadn’t shown interest in Ibelina in the first place. EVERYTHING LEADS BACK TO DIEGO!! Firstly when he started showing interest when she was just a maid at the other estate, he started to make her life difficult. If he hadn’t shown interest from that point none of the other things would’ve happened. Secondly at the ball and at the place where Diego caught the blonde girl (I don’t even want to say her name) trying to sneak out. But thank goodness the duke was there otherwise I don’t know what he would’ve done. Thirdly when he had sent the order to make Ibelina stay in the castle, I know it was his father but Diego went along with it and took that opportunity to try and get Ibelina from the Duke. Fourthly when he decided to pay more attention to Ibelina instead of his fiancé that’s the reason what that blonde b*tch pushed her in the lake in the first place! IF DIEGO HAD SHOWN NO INTEREST IN IBELINA THAT STUFF WOULDN’T HAVE HAPPENED!!!

    Jaycee July 11, 2021 1:06 am

    IKR! I think Ele's brother saw the way Diego look at Ibe and want to use her against him. These all started because he was showing interest in her. Partly it's Eleonora's fault, she knows what her brother is doing but she just acts like a victim in my opinion. It's clear that Diego isn't interested in her but she just forced herself to him or something. Ibe and Diego just wants to have their happy ending but those two morons wouldn't leave them alone.