This year's 31st issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine published the final chapter on Monday of writer Mikiyasu Kamada and artist Ashibi Fukui's Nine Dragons' Ball Parade (Kowloons' Ball Parade) manga. The manga's second volume will ship on August 4, and the third and final volume will ship on October 4 with the "Hakuō Decisive Match Arc" of the manga.
Viz Media and MANGA Plus are both releasing the manga in English digitally. MANGA Plus describes the story:
Hakuo Gakuin's mighty baseball team consistently makes it to Koshien, and Tamao Azukida dreams of making the team. To achieve his goal, Tamao does extensive research and undergoes a strict daily training regimen. But at tryouts, Tamao meets the enigmatic genius pitcher Tao Ryudo, and the course of his destiny may be forever changed! If people aren't laughing, then you're not dreaming big enough! A new baseball tale for the era begins! Kamada and Fukui launched the manga in this year's 11th issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine on February 15. The first volume shipped on June 4.
This year's 31st issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine published the final chapter on Monday of writer Mikiyasu Kamada and artist Ashibi Fukui's Nine Dragons' Ball Parade (Kowloons' Ball Parade) manga. The manga's second volume will ship on August 4, and the third and final volume will ship on October 4 with the "Hakuō Decisive Match Arc" of the manga.
Viz Media and MANGA Plus are both releasing the manga in English digitally. MANGA Plus describes the story:
Hakuo Gakuin's mighty baseball team consistently makes it to Koshien, and Tamao Azukida dreams of making the team. To achieve his goal, Tamao does extensive research and undergoes a strict daily training regimen. But at tryouts, Tamao meets the enigmatic genius pitcher Tao Ryudo, and the course of his destiny may be forever changed! If people aren't laughing, then you're not dreaming big enough! A new baseball tale for the era begins!
Kamada and Fukui launched the manga in this year's 11th issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine on February 15. The first volume shipped on June 4.