Yea, but the professor raises all the red flags. Social commentary or not, if ur going to use serious issues from reality, don't take them so lightly like side dishes. Plus, Qaltaqa's culture was more for comic relief and awkwardness here than much of any explaining. It's like the animated movie, the King and I, everything that should be in the foreground are in the background.

All we knew at the end was that he got a boyfriend and had sexy times. If he did all that traveling to learn and improve their tribe, then helping the tribe grow should also be of importance in building their relationships but nope, it's just a filler until qaltaqa and ryouichirou get tgt in bed and have sex. You can say it's yaoi and that's how it is. If that is so, just keep the sex, don't mix it with important stuff if you don't give two shits about respecting it in the first place.

So themes from reality should not be included in manga unless they take center stage is that it? rme. How else do you want it included in a 6 chapter story? It was said that after his studies, he and ryou would go back and use whatever knowledge he gathered from his studying, so that was covered. Also i don't see how his tribe was used as a source of awkwardness, They both adjusted to each other easily. They were not mocked or seen as strange except the first chapter which is understandable with the language barrier and the fact that he hadn't seen all these new things. The members of his tribe was not portrayed badly at all, infact they stressed how intelligent they were etc. The soul giving thing was not seen as something strange but as beautiful. Also the chairman is an eccentric guy who met people he has never seen before and wanted to show them his culture as well as learn from them. He suggested it and THEY AGREED. He didn't strong arm them or anything. He even used his own resources. Honestly, did you guys understand the story at all? or you just read it with the bias that you already had and then filtered anything that might change that bias?

YES EXACTLY. YOU TOOK THE WORDS OUT OF MY MOUTH. like i dont even understand how some people overthink this manga. this manga was pure, beautiful, and the pacing was almost perfect. compared to the rest of the yaoi mangas with rape, infidelity, incest and whatnots, these people really took their time to nitpick on this one when it doesn't even depict anything misconcepting.

I'm saying that if you can't fit it into a six chapter story at the very least expand or phrase the story where romance and sex doesn't outweigh everything else. Also everything was "it was said that...." That's the point, it's so rushed and all the important parts about learning about a culture had no time to even show. Im not saying it should be some documentary style, but it didn't even reach the Wild rock manga level of showing culture and that is like the minimal base line. And all the "culture" there is just there to create some awkward comical moment, and making the Japanese guy feel awkward, like him fainting, him wearing a mask for no reason (even though the mask was gone for the rest of the chapters) or just a simple act of hugging while sleeping (there really wasn't much of culture to talk about any way.)
And even this
And this is just another example of making him look awkward and down to the level of childishness of being this unlearnt primitive tribe person. If you watch 'meet the natives USA' tis a diff story and a diff representation.
Also, you said about showing of culture right? Then why was it just one sided? You can just write "they saw each other's culture," but when it comes to the manga, it's just modern, modern, modern. Where's the mutual exchange of culture huh? Saying one thing and showing another?
And suddenly from 'let's learn about new culture for prosperity' becomes the age old stereotypical mission of the tribe to 'find him a Japanese wife' because they are tribes. -.-
And also the "modern man" steps in and slaps senses into the "backward" tribal guy trope.
And the professor part is the most alarming thing. He sees their potential wasted just because they are living peacefully and sustainably in an isolated village? Plus he knew they exist and live in isolation but goes there just for the sole purpose of "developing" them and possibly illegally through his connections?
And him modernizing them is a bit confusing. For whatever for? Like its sustainable, they've lives for generations and I agree with Aqnam on this. Is there an impeding threat? Is there some sort of situation where they have to abandon their homes? Or do they need to enter the 'modern' job market? Yes change is necessary but what is he learning and how does it apply to the daily lives of his tribe? This is when all these important aspects are just rushed past with just a few words like, "oh he went to promote education" from the professor.
Lastly this quote from this link
it takes an advanced culture to survive in this dangerous natural terrain. The only thing primitive is our notion that what we have is better and needs to be forced upon them.
I have to question if the people who are complaining about racism actually read the manga. It is a 6 chapter manga that is more about their love and acceptance than about indigenous tribes and whatnot. Also he(don't want to butcher his name) came to learn not to change his culture but to see if new things can be added to their way of life without throwing away their culture and values. I don't see how that's a bad thing, the culture will still be preserved. And that one user that commented on their looks, smh it's a YAOI manga, they are going to be hot. This is not some social commentary manga ok(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜