
If the person has money and connections then they can shut some mouths and get out taking the defense of insanity. But, it would be be very hard to prove that they did not have Mens Rea. Which in this case pink bitch did even though she was diagnosed. And I'm not completely sure about Korea but in most countries attempt to murder is a strict liability.
She did something illegal so she should confront the law, it is what it is, idk if korean laws are different but in a murder assault there should not be a way to get out (unless you are the one with money aaaand still is hard), also she was sick, its not anybody's fault, nor the dad nor the crazy bitch, at anything it was the center she was in, that were really irresponsable and unprofessional but that's it, violent pacients like her are not treated like thay at aaaaall precisely because this can happen, but well, this is just a webtoon and all's good so idk anymore