Ikr. Louise obviously provoke rafael. like He want to die. I know what maetel done is bad. But, still I don't like louise (he hurt the baby so many times. I know he doesn't want the baby, but at least he should have humanity, I mean he doesn't even care with what happen to the baby, like when he fell onto the ground or going to dangerous place. U know maetel misunderstand it isn't his baby, but he still doesn't trying to get rid the baby) . If i should choose between maetel or louise. I would choose maetel. I mean louise....He looks stupid to be mc :). And why marquise will rape you, he already married. And it's not like all people only like you. And why don't you just ask maetel? U ask rafael who is a killer (obviously dangerous person yet you can ask him but maetel? Just cuz he crown prince u can't ask? Like why u just claim anything by their hair. Rafael hair doesn't even close to red yet you still think it was him and how can marquise make you pregnant? When there're prince only who inherited royal blood that can make man pregnant) if its not rafael then its maetel. It was simple until louise claim maetel like rafael (Bruh they're sibling and doesn't even close. How can u have that thought) and claiming that rafael or marquise is the father. He doesn't include maetel as the father cuz he think like nah maetel won't do it with me. Well u didn't even ask .How do u know when u don't remember anything. How can u be careless. This is just like one of the four manhwa (that the omega carelessly exclude one person cuz he didn't come into the hotel when he doesn't claim itself to the person but what, the person he exclude was the one who make he pregnant. Like this one, but yeah i can accept that manhwa but not for this manhwa. I mean louise just exclude maetel out of nowhere)
Although I still kinda like that crazy in love psycho and think the he won't hurt Louis, but why is he provoking him?! He might end up killing the baby (if not Louis himself)