can anyone spoil it for me about when he finds out about the abuse and/or when those knights find out and treat her better knowing she's not a bitch like her father who they hate
Okay so in the novel (the translations), nobody knows yet (idk when they will) but she gains their trust by helping them out (she's a healer now so she cures them if someone gets hurt) and just by living together. It's like a slice of life
So after lots of stuff happens Maxi ends up back in her dad's castle and Riftan walks in on her dad whipping her. Let me tell you thoooo our boi's reaction does not disappoint!!!!!! Ugh I love Riftan!!!!! EEEPPPP!!
can anyone spoil it for me about when he finds out about the abuse and/or when those knights find out and treat her better knowing she's not a bitch like her father who they hate