So when the tea party start,lucia said she want to introduce someone and she introduce damien as her son,but some of the 'Esteemed' guest didnt like it as damien is regard as an illegeminate child of the duke,so this 'estemeed' guest is actually like kind of a flower of the high society that has a lot followers, i dont remember her name,but she kind of enemy of aunt of lucia friend,(the one that send lucia the yellow roses),so she want to make her stand of not accepting damien as the legal heir, she make it clear that she really dont like damien,so the other participant silently follow this old hag as they dont want to be excluded from the other parties if they reteliate,the only participant that reteliate is lucia friend only,she put presure on lucia,by make the tea party silent because if the participant went silent the tea party will be regard as a fail one and lucia will be the laughstock of the high society,but as our strong fl,she warn the old hag to stop,but the old hag insist on it as long as damien did not leave the tea party,in the end lucia make a decision to end the tea party and said '' i will make sure this tea party today will be hear by my husband'' aka i will tell my husband how u treat me today,so say goodbye to your tittle bitchesss and mic drop she left,the old hag and the silent participant face went blue and tried to ask for forgiveness but lucia ignore them and be like u dumb bitches should done it when i ask earlier and left, sorry its long,kinda hard to explain because it been a long ago i read the novel,i dont even remember their name
I think what she also said at the end when she announced the party to be over was something like they just took the children in their families the chances/opportunities for them to work under Damien in the future because of what they did. They realised they did something wrong to the future lord of the North (▰˘◡˘▰).... The countess also did that to Lucia cuz she thought Lucia's naive when it comes to socialising and thought Lucia's forced to take Damien as her son. She humiliated Lucia to pick her back up later with wrinkly-ässed "encouragement" and add Lucia to her followers lol she hid herself after that
What goes down at the party?