...I jumped into this manga for romance. I searched up manga recommendations for black-hai...

:( September 14, 2016 8:03 am

...I jumped into this manga for romance. I searched up manga recommendations for black-haired ukes, and decided to read this despite its lackluster ratings because, "The protagonist looks cute and I'd love to see him fucked. -^- "

Ironically, I hated the romantic aspect of this manga. If anything, I stuck around the manga purely for the family mystery-- I loved how Hikaru bonded with the brothers (specifically Yuuma) and how the brothers interacted among each other. I wanted the manga to focus more on the familial bonds, rather than Hikaru's convoluted relationship with the lawyer.

At first, I found it difficult to explain why the romance turned me off so much. I fucking loved the lawyer when he first appeared, but now I can't even remember his name. Even now, I'm hesitant to say this, but I think it was because of his lack of character development. The lawyer took some sexual initiatives, but in the end Hikaru was the propeller behind their relationship. Even the ending tells us such-- it's because Hikaru matured and held onto the lawyer that they ended up together.

Yuuma was able to overcome his skepticism and accepted the brothers as his kin, even if they weren't necessarily connected by blood.

Ashinuma's kids moved beyond their tragic past to accept their musical talent and make the most out of their current lives.

For crying out loud, even Hikaru's mother was able to find closure by opening up about her past and supporting Hikaru's endeavors.

Why is it then the lawyer can't show even a bit of change? Why does he always have to push Hikaru away? I get that he's insecure, feeling guilty and shameful for his hedonistic nature. But would it have been impossible to show some initiative on his end? Does he always have to walk away as Hikaru runs behind him??

His cowardice and compliancy annoys me to no end, and I... just... I don't give a shit that he sleeps around; physical intimacy is a perfectly natural human desire. But the fact that he can't look BEYOND his sexual attitude and it's consequences pissed me off.

I realize I'm being a bit unfair to the lawyer right now, but it's 4am and I'm honestly too disappointed by him to care. Even until the end, he does absolutely nothing but remain a victim of circumstances.

    Shinji November 16, 2016 8:45 pm

    Ahhh I feel the same! D':

    Sweet May 7, 2017 5:53 am

    4:am, wow you go girl(you sound like my sister after watching Koreans' drama so...if you're a boy I apologized)

    notag August 11, 2017 12:48 pm

    I couldn't have said it better. I can totally relate to what you feel. Just like when I read "Lucky-kun" yesterday, I read this manga for the "comedy," and yes, for that aspect, this manga is much better than "Lucky-kun," though it gets darker throughout the end.

    I couldn't put down this manga (except for bathroom) not because of the romance, but more because of the familial bonds between Hikaru and his half-brothers. I can even say that instead of Hikaru, I like Yuuma better. He has been mature from the beginning.

    I don't know, but I think even without the romance, this story could still be a good story. Ending the story by making the guys form a band is kind of ridiculous for me, though.

    Oh, and yes, I don't really like that lawyer either. Sorry, sir, but I just don't have any arguments to defend your actions.

    Yuanyuanyuan January 22, 2021 11:27 pm

    So, that's it. I'll drop this. Lol
    Most reviews are bad anyway.