^.^ All of them had a really nice feel to them, really funny and enjoyable. Hehe, I feel e...

itikky September 13, 2016 10:55 pm

^.^ All of them had a really nice feel to them, really funny and enjoyable. Hehe, I feel exactly like the MC in chapter 5, though; I always try to keep my face cool and normal when I'm freaking out over whatever.

    Anonymous September 14, 2016 6:08 am

    Ugh. The way u said that was so disgusting =_="
    narcissistic? Or something else?...hmm obnoxious,maybe.. yup.

    Marshmellow September 14, 2016 6:31 am
    Ugh. The way u said that was so disgusting =_="narcissistic? Or something else?...hmm obnoxious,maybe.. yup. @Anonymous

    Wow, what a rude thing to say. All itikky said was that they can relate to how the MC acts. Objectively nothing "narcissistic" or "disgusting" or even "obnoxious" about it. Lots of people are stoic externally.

    Anonymous September 21, 2016 5:25 am

    You have issues, how is that remotely disgusting or obnoxious in any way...?

    Winter Bell July 21, 2017 6:56 am
    Ugh. The way u said that was so disgusting =_="narcissistic? Or something else?...hmm obnoxious,maybe.. yup. @Anonymous

    Twisted head we have there..yeah? Dont know how you came about your comment..lol