I just realized...

Eds July 10, 2021 10:51 am

Why the fuck do we like these douchey shallow bad boys so much??? Almost all of them have other girls on the sidelines, in other stories they sleep around so much, they play with the fl’s feelings, they force the fls, they treat the fls as objects and yet we’re like ~ UWU he’s gonna change just give him time he’s so hot even though he’s a total jerk ~ the typical good guys gentlemen 2nd mls deserve so much better huhuhu ALSO IN SHOUJO STORIES PLS CAN U NOT MAKE THE GIRLS TIMID AND NAIVE PUSHOVERS GAWDDD

    plinky25 July 10, 2021 2:43 pm

    Lol understandable I get what u mean,
    wait but what does this have to do with this particular story tho?