So temple they have huh?

Phr31 July 10, 2021 9:39 am

I'm so surprised in this type of story there's so many of this type of people at the temple like it's common???? THE FRICK?! I'm from a religion family and country so seeing all of that is so odd ;-;

    bookmunchies September 1, 2023 11:17 pm

    It's very common in real world religion, but mostly people deny it, it was a lot worse in the past, but it's still not gone and probably will never be gone, as organizations of the sort, which beckon great social authority and enjoy a lot of trust from the people, along with financial power, have an easy time of covering up things of this sort, controlling their victims and even if there is an instance in which someone has enough courage to speak out, people are more likely to attack them than believe them.

    CathyBLover March 1, 2024 10:55 pm

    And I'm surprised that you're so surprised In history there are thousands upon thousands of similar examples, and not like that has changed to this day. They just hide it better. People drunk on power will never change, that's a sad fact. But as you see in this story, not everyone is rotten to the core. However often the worst ones have higher positions due to their greed and willingness to trample over others, where as better people are content with what they already have.