don't romanticize this story PLZ just here to vent read if u want

animeworld207 July 10, 2021 7:42 am

I see a lot of people disliking the comments saying do romanticize are yall good in the head? Even the author said it is not a romantic story yall see two guys and yall go crazy.
Also, I am no hating on girls that read bl just stating before anyone come after me for that It’s a psychological, incredibly twisted, and graphic story following characters Yoon Bum and Oh Sangwoo. LIke did yall read the fucking story
“Killing Stalking” is a good example of a psychological story that shows the deep, dark impacts life of abuse can have on individuals. The story of Yoom Bum and Oh Sangwoo is a twisted one and shares the idea that some monsters are definitely made. It’s obvious they both care for each other, but it’s in a heavily toxic manner that leaves the reader almost speechless and quizzical as to how they should feel. Sangwoo feels a twisted attachment to Yoon Bum due to the man reminding him of his late mother. In a way, the relationship seems to be commentating on the intense fetishization of sexuality often shown towards male pairings in manga or fandoms as a whole.
Despite the fact that the relationship between Yoon Bum and Sangwoo is incredibly abusive and warped, there is a large part of fanbases fetishizing it simply for the fact that it’s a boy-on-boy story, rather than acknowledging the deeper, twisted aspects of it. This happens in other media as well, and throughout the plot, it seems the author hints at this issue in the webcomic/manga community. One theory related to Bum’s hallucinations and delusions is that he may have never been in the military at all and in fact, he may have met Sangwoo in a mental institution or similar place, this theory is supported by a scene in which Sangwoo speaks to Bum’s former landlord and he tells her that he hadn’t
ASPD otherwise known as Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy are both common conditions of serial killers but out of what we have seen of Sangwoo thus far it isn’t quite certain what his mental illness is and it is often difficult to diagnose mental illnesses period, let alone those of serial killers. What we do know about Sangwoo is that his first killing was most likely when he killed his parents and we know that he did this because his father was abusive. ASPD seems to be the more likely of the two as it is common for those with ASPD to manipulate others and have a lack of regard for the safety of themselves or others which would fit Sangwoo’s behavior in many situations. Those with ASPD are more likely to break laws and act impulsively than those without the condition. It is likely that he had this condition since childhood and while there is no recognized mental condition to cause this he could be considered a collector since he has been seen taking women and then killing them and keeping their clothing. If you watch a lot of the psychological, thriller, or horror genres you have probably seen a character or two that have these tendencies. To use anime terms another sort that could commonly do this is a Yandere archetype character. A good example of this would be Toma from the anime and PSP game Amnesia as he keeps his object of affection caged once he feels he has no other choice. Bum has somewhat of a history of being a victim of sexual abuse as it is suggested he was sexually abused by his uncle as well as the incident in the military. This along with his social awkwardness and a suggested history of stalking not only Sangwoo but others and constant rejection Bum suffers from depression that caused him to self-harm as a coping mechanism Bum coped internally and by inflicting pain on himself versus Sangwoo whose coping mechanism was to kill things off at the source (literally) by killing his parents. And after his first time killing, he was more likely to kill again and my theory is that he has been collecting these women in a search for love since he never truly felt loved by anyone other than maybe his mother. With Sangwoo reminding him so strongly of his mother this, at least by my interpretation of events is very likely. Bum after being held captive by Sangwoo also seems to be developing classic Stockholm Syndrome in which he feels affection or sympathy for his captor despite all logical reasoning saying that he should be terrified rather than anything else. Bum seems to swing back and forth between showing behaviors of Stockholm and feeling spite towards Sangwoo for justifiable reasons and wanting to escape. SO yeah these bitches need help
