So basically here’s a guide to make stuff clear.
Arthur - was KING GREY
Elijah - was NICO
Tessia - may be CECILIA
Lady Vera - was King Grey’s foster guardian ( I won’t let out too much details just know this woman is annoying and horrible )
so a quick background between their relationship in their past lives, King Grey and Nico were actually the best of friends. They were like brothers. And when Cecilia came into the scene they befriended her and the three became best friends.
Cecilia had feelings for King Grey but Grey knew Nico had feelings for Cecilia so he distanced himself from her and eventually Nico confronted Cecilia and the two got engaged.
Now here’s the reason why King Grey killed Cecilia:
Actually, King Grey didn’t mean to kill Cecilia, he had ZERO intention to kill her. It was Cecilia’s decision to be killed by him, she was responsible for her own death.
She died during the King’s tournament. When she was fighting against King Grey she had the upper hand although she used to suck at controlling her Ki.
Before the match started, Nico talked with Grey and revealed that Lady Vera is up to no good and she’s planning on capturing Cecilia as she holds an important role regarding the alliance of Trayden and Etharia. Because Cecilia is the so called “The Legacy” which means whoever has control over her, will have the control over the two governments ENTIRELY and Lady Vera wanted that control.
So Cecilia took the chance to kill herself during her match with Grey,
because it was the only way for her to be killed and as she said during her last moments, as long as she lives, Nico will be having a hard time, imprisoned and used against her, so as a solution, she just needed to kill herself.
Grey wasn’t aware of Lady Vera’s plans but he knew she was shady once he saw Lady Vera go mad after killing Cecilia.
Lastly, Nico saw the match and how Cecilia died and this made a great impact on him and that hate carried on even on their present lives.
Honestly, things would’ve been better if the three worked together in the past
Arthur was so set in becoming a king that he was blinded by that goal as the ONLY solution to their problems when there’s a lot more options.
Nico was selfish and planned everything on his own to solve their problems. And he did not even bother listening to Arthur’s side of the story which made this huge misunderstanding.
Cecilia was too hasty with her decisions but I understand her position so I won’t blame her.
Additional Clarification:
Although it’s revealed that Tessia can be reincarnated into Cecilia, it is still not clear whether Tess can turn into Cecilia 100%.
It’s not really clear yet why Tess can be Cecilia, all we know is because they have many similarities.
I hope those answered your questions
For additional clarifications, tess will never ever betray art just because of that reason. If she will betray art, what's the use of their promise to eachother that they will live together and have family (chapter 212, i think)???. Just think about it. It's still not guaranteed that tess will become Cecilia, theirs no proof yet. Even if tess will become Cecilia, or will be used as a vessel, we all knew that arthur will stop it in happening (unleashing all his power).
So let's say, if their is chances that tess will turn into Cecilia, I'm/we are sure that arthur will use his powers to will to turn back tess.
Their is also possiblity that if tess will really become Cecilia, i think that's the time Cecilia will tell the truth to elijah, what really happened back then. Cecilia, Arthur/KG, and Elijah/Nico treasure their friendship the most. Since they treasure it, I'm sure Cecilia will stop them killing eachother. ANd that's the time, arthur, tess/Cecilia, Elijah/Nico will become allies/friends, and works together to defeat the main enemy of this series.
Ok here's the reason why arthur killed Cecilia with connection why nico/elijah had hatred towards arthur even in the present., why tess betray arthur (most of the people say that, but let's clarify it) Beware of the spoilers