it’s caught up with the raws,but here u go ლ(´ڡ`ლ)토끼와?toon=일반웹툰+흑표범의+공생관계+28화&spage=1
it’s caught up with the raws,but here u go ლ(´ڡ`ლ)토끼와?toon=일반웹툰+흑표범의+공생관계+28화&spage=1
EVERYTIME, IT'S A CLIFFHANGER!!! UWAAAAAHHH I WANNA SEE THE NEXT CHAPTER. ANYONE GIVE ME SOME RAWS OR SUMTHING OR SPOILERS!! I wonder what will Vivi do next?? Will she uselessly deny it? Or will she be speechless?? It's useless to think about it. Let's just wait for the next chapter