I actually can blame him tho I mean, yea I feel bad that he also had a rough childhood but that's still no excuse to go an do the exact same thing to his children. Also, if he's gonna SUDDENLY act like a decent father to one of his children, then he should give ALL his children that same treatment. It's the inequality for me. If he's gonna be a shitty father, fair enough. Just don't suddenly go catching feeling for only ONE child. Be equally shitty to all of them or give them all equal love.

What makes you have the right to blame him? You already know he also gone through the same sh*t as a child and now that he becomes the king, you can blame him for a tradition that he doesn't make? Have you ever think that because he grew up in that kinda environment, he doesn't know what's 'normal' people consider right and wrong? Have you thought that maybe no one has told him that this tradition is not how normal people will select their heir? Because he is the king, no one is brave enough to cross or point that he is wrong, even more so when he is hella strong. You deem what he did as wrong, but what if in his own eyes what he did was right cause he gone through the same thing and no one says anything about it? And what, erase the tradition? You think something that has existed since the empire has been founded can be easily erased just like that? You must have forgotten a country isn't only ruled by the emperor, there are royal counselors, nobles, and other strong power there. If you think that the emperor can just force his way through cos he is an emperor and strong, then I guess you are just a naive 14 year old child that's so jealous of others cause you can't win that favour lol

Wtf why would I want his "favour"? I don't have daddy issues like that xoxox I'm just so sick of these wannabe tsundere fathers straight up NEGLECTING their children and thinking it's cute. I already said in the replies, I GET that it's a tradition. Fair enough. Then STICK to the tradition. He should be a traditionally shitty father to all his kids. Why is he now suddenly picking and choosing who he wants to be a father to? It's gross to watch him suddenly want to be involved in just one of his children's lives because she caught his " interest'" . Don't be treating the princess well whilst still neglecting your other kids. It's not fair.
Also, how can he not know the way he's acting is wrong as a parent? His attendant is literally telling him every 5 minutes that his attitude is messed up you'd think he'd be a bit smarter and learn from his own childhood that traumatizing kids isn't normal

How can he not know? Of course he won't know becuase to him, he is doing the right thing. And is it the princess's fault for using her abilities right? In this kinda world, the action of boot licking is permissible, if the person in question falls for it then congrats, u got what it takes to survive! This is how the world works kiddo, there is nothing fair in the world. So what if he wants to show favour only to that one child? Maybe the other children haven't tried or even though about that method so they are missing out, in this case it's not the father's fault then. If you want something, earn it.

I tryna be realistic here, because irl is much more unfair than this story lolol. If you think I make excuses cos he is hamdsome then no, I don't give a flying fuck about it. I like it cos the FL is smart and she has the means to use everything she has, including the father. The one I tryna protect is the FL here, idgaf about the father. Prove? Sure, it's like how i don't like claude from wmmap, eventhough he is handsome or all that shit lol

Bro.... They're literally CHILDREN!!! Idk about you luv but normally children THINK like CHILDREN!! The prince was probs just jealous (like a child would be) that his dumbass father was suddenly taking interest in one of his children, when the prince is over here being neglected his whole life.
Aren't you forgetting, the only reason the FL is smart is because she's mentally an adult. Obviously she's gonna be superior because not only does she have plot armour, shes also a fully developed ADULT on the inside!!!
At the end of the day, I feel bad for the kids who have such a shitty father. Idc if it's tradition, aren't I allowed to feel bad for kids who are literally being abused and forced to kill each other bc their father is a piece of trash? Sheesssshhh
Damn, I feel hella bad for that lil prince. I mean sure, he hit her first, but he's still a literal child who wants love and attention just as much as the princess. The emperor kinda makes me sick, acting like a caring parent when he's literally making his children fight to the death because of some stupid ass throne. News flash, ur kids didn't ask to be born. How about you control your dick before having kids when you cant even be bothered to take care of them properly.