GlowNox23 September 13, 2016 1:17 am

HELLO YES! We need to come up with some kind of code we all can use if we want to ask someone in real life if they read yaoi/yuri and other guilty pleasures. Or do we already have one?
I suspect that my friend reads yaoi but I'm too afraid to ask! - What if she doesn't and I just end up revealing that I do to someone who won't understand?
I know it's sounds silly but this problem has occurred on more than one occation for me. Please if you have any suggestions or ideas for a good code or passphrase we can start spreading it around (the tumbler has the "I like your shoelaces" - "Thanks I stole them from the president").
Please advise!
I love you all and I love this site kisses and buttfucks for everyone <3<3<3<3<3

    やおいはかんぺき September 13, 2016 3:04 am

    Lmao just throw in seme and uke in your question. Every yaoi fan know s it

    Canine Dawg September 13, 2016 4:31 am

    Or u can be like

    "Ey boi. U see em two over there? Which one uke which one seme?" And when they give u a black look be like, "i assume u dont read mangas than..."

    Canine Dawg September 13, 2016 4:32 am

    blank******* lol

    Josuke September 13, 2016 5:05 am

    Ask if they're a fujoshi, and if they ask "what does that mean?" in response, play it off, say "never mind" and immediately change the subject. If they become suspicious just play it cool so as to not make things awkward.

    GlowNox23 September 13, 2016 9:43 am
    Or u can be like "Ey boi. U see em two over there? Which one uke which one seme?" And when they give u a black look be like, "i assume u dont read mangas than..." Canine Dawg

    U sir, are a genius! I'll take her to the gay club for this sole purpose . Thankyou!