
meowmura July 10, 2021 12:54 am

i really like vague sad loose endings but this one just feels unfinished? like it feels like they were told to shorten it and they had to cut out a lot of the story... i see that they cut some things but they maybe cut a little too much.. season 1 was really good so its kind of disappointing...

    Mr.Poleiyo July 10, 2021 3:16 am

    but why the hell did he needed to finnish so fast? then just give us a bad ending where they don't find each other. the epilogue chap is the problem.

    bxlhaeng July 10, 2021 11:32 pm

    I feel like the authors had some kind of issue with the publishers and they were rushed to end this. Maybe money issues. What leds me to believe this is the fact that this manhwa was finished in 2020 or early 2021 if I remember correctly, but second season was never translated.