Wasn't there

Alex July 9, 2021 11:46 pm

Already a translation of the full chapter on here? Because I remember reading this entire thing already. Did it get removed?

    Rainii93 July 10, 2021 2:07 am

    Thank you! I felt like I was going insane thinking I read it before lol

    Alex July 10, 2021 3:43 am
    Thank you! I felt like I was going insane thinking I read it before lol Rainii93

    Yeah I'm going to be honest (and I know the uploaders may not be in control this) its actually annoying (dont attack me this is just my honest initial reaction) but I do understand it's hard and I thank you all for doing your best

    Rainii93 July 10, 2021 7:42 am
    Yeah I'm going to be honest (and I know the uploaders may not be in control this) its actually annoying (dont attack me this is just my honest initial reaction) but I do understand it's hard and I thank you all... Alex

    I feel you. I had one series where the same chapter got deleted and re-upload numerous times. I couldn't keep up and kept starting it over and over again #-.-)