I wouldnt call her flat at all. If anything i think how she acts now will change as she matures and realize she doesnt have to be liked by everybody, giving her character growth. But i think the part of her that wants to look at the good in everybody is a really cool character trait whether she develops it or not. Fight me heh heh!
but that's the premise of the story??? blue haired ml needs someone who can give him unconditional love that even his parents weren't able to give him. so here comes mina with an abundant amount of love and stupidity that can provide that?
also this reminds me so much of Naruto-sasuke but no one ever hates on naruto the same way mina gets hate...
It seems like Mina is the only one who’s giving me migraines. Literally Mina is so childish and delusional.She still wants to be liked by blue haired dude even though he tries killing her 14 times. This is probably one of the most flat mc I’ve ever seen. Also even though Mina has a power or whatever she still one dimensional.
NEW and updated summary:
“ HEy I’m MiNa anD iM liKed by everyOnE .eveN thO a blUe haireD DudE tRies KillING me sO MaNy times I JuST wanT hIm to lIKE Me SiNCe I’m So STupId aNd I tHink evEryone ShOUld Like mE.”