I mean I hear a lot of complaints about all the crimes in this manga being related to rape...

Bruised Heart July 9, 2021 7:23 pm

I mean I hear a lot of complaints about all the crimes in this manga being related to rape and why all the antagonist rape etc.. but guys think about it. If you eve watch a psychopath’s documentary etc. all of them at least once or twice either abused a girl or a guy or raped them and then killed them etc. when you are mentally ill, you don’t see humans as humans but objects. Ofc there are reasons for people like these boys doing whatever they want ( everyone has a different reason for what they do etc ) but these guys aren’t normal. And as sex is a normal thing for normal people in everyday life, for them rape seems to be a normal everyday life thing. Cause they ain’t normal and if you are as horrible as kuga or any other antagonist here what do you expect to do to women or men?? And what do you expect them to do? They won’t look at this girl in front of them and fall in love normally and hold hands kiss and make love, they will forcefully get what they want without caring a thing of what the other side says or wants. So yes, I think it’s normal that all of these boys raped someone or will rape someone. And it isn’t because author didn’t have any ideas other then rape, he could have drawn other crimes but rape goes as in general crime inside many crimes in people who aren’t normal and are mentally ill. I hope I made sense with all these. ( I don’t hate on anyone’s comments I’m just explaining why there are a lot of rape related scenes in every antagonist in this manga and why it is that way ).

    mikasa is queen July 9, 2021 7:40 pm

    It’s the way he shows it. He depicts it as regular sexual interactions, like with the case of the light haired girl. Ask yourself this question if the words weren’t there, just the panels, would you think it’s was assault?, if no, the author did a poor job depicting it because it’s is going to appeal to people with disgusting and harmful fetishes (if he doesn’t have one himself)

    helvetica July 9, 2021 7:44 pm

    I think you’re right. Like, most psychopaths and killers don’t do bad sht cause it’s bad sht, they do it because it’s sexually gratifies them and stuff.

    Also, to the guy above, I saw that scene as disgusting and it looked absolutely like rape.

    †ʜAᴋAɱ (눈‿눈). July 9, 2021 7:56 pm
    It’s the way he shows it. He depicts it as regular sexual interactions, like with the case of the light haired girl. Ask yourself this question if the words weren’t there, just the panels, would you think i... mikasa is queen

    Do u remember the those villains personality is? If u do that explain alot of it. :)

    Suna's.phone July 9, 2021 8:52 pm

    THANK YOU SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT. People like the guys in the manga don't think normal. I think that was the whole point of the manga. To show that there sre people out there that do and think the horrible. Rape is bad, and therefore i hate those guys with whole my heart and soul. Let's hope the worst happens to them (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    kokobichh July 9, 2021 10:22 pm

    Yes exactly ! I agree with the others there are a lot of rape scenes and it’s pretty disgusting but that’s exactly the point. It’s to show how the way they view crimes as something trivial. They are completely inhumane and I think the author represented it well ... I really felt disgusted by the characters and the story is very captivating

    sana July 10, 2021 12:56 am

    Also adding to the fact that they’re fucking teenagers who are seriously curious about sex. It’s no surprise that as motherfucking disgusting psychopaths they will commit rape. Overall I think it’s reasonable to believe that rape was included for all those characters. Truly disgusting ಠ_ಠ

    Bruised Heart July 11, 2021 1:32 am
    I think you’re right. Like, most psychopaths and killers don’t do bad sht cause it’s bad sht, they do it because it’s sexually gratifies them and stuff.Also, to the guy above, I saw that scene as disgus... helvetica

    Yes exactly. Glad to know you understand me :)

    Bruised Heart July 11, 2021 1:33 am
    Do u remember the those villains personality is? If u do that explain alot of it. :) †ʜAᴋAɱ (눈‿눈).

    I’m a bit confused but thanks ? :)

    Bruised Heart July 11, 2021 1:34 am
    THANK YOU SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT. People like the guys in the manga don't think normal. I think that was the whole point of the manga. To show that there sre people out there that do and think the horrible. Ra... Suna's.phone

    Thank god you stood up next to me in my statement:) let’s see how they get what they deserve!

    Bruised Heart July 11, 2021 1:38 am
    Yes exactly ! I agree with the others there are a lot of rape scenes and it’s pretty disgusting but that’s exactly the point. It’s to show how the way they view crimes as something trivial. They are compl... kokobichh

    I agree. I mean this isn’t a manga where you want to except good things happening because author is trying to portray inhuman actions and disgusting beings. Rape is horrible but so is killing bullying and torture... it goes on n on so I think complaining about these here really isn’t nice and as what the author is trying to do is show disgusting sides of humans.

    Bruised Heart July 11, 2021 1:40 am
    Also adding to the fact that they’re fucking teenagers who are seriously curious about sex. It’s no surprise that as motherfucking disgusting psychopaths they will commit rape. Overall I think it’s reason... sana

    Exactly what I think! They are kids and yk kids are actually more dangerous then adults because kids don’t see what is good or bad and which to follow. That is why they don’t fear a lot of things like adults do and that is why they are easy to manipulate etc. they don’t think before they take an action and some don’t even think if their feelings. And as these boys being mentally ill from the start rape is an expected side to them