uuhhhhh minorrrrr yall r weirddddddd

mills.do July 9, 2021 5:53 pm

uuhhhhh minorrrrr yall r weirddddddd

    tojistan July 9, 2021 7:58 pm

    fr bunch of pedo lovers here "its fictional!" yeah but a minor is always a minor and portrays a underage character.

    mills.do July 9, 2021 11:17 pm
    fr bunch of pedo lovers here "its fictional!" yeah but a minor is always a minor and portrays a underage character. tojistan

    Ikkkk everyone is so weirddd

    Toji’sCumSock July 10, 2021 5:22 am

    Bruh y’all weird too for reading this then tf? Lmaooooo gtfoh

    _Memes00 July 10, 2021 6:44 am
    fr bunch of pedo lovers here "its fictional!" yeah but a minor is always a minor and portrays a underage character. tojistan

    Why don't you tell this to real pedophiles

    tojistan July 10, 2021 4:20 pm
    Why don't you tell this to real pedophiles _Memes00

    dont you think i do? u sound dumb

    tojistan July 10, 2021 4:21 pm
    Bruh y’all weird too for reading this then tf? Lmaooooo gtfoh Toji’sCumSock

    i didnt even read it? the comment are literally at the bottom do you not know how this website works idiot

    Toji’sCumSock July 10, 2021 9:50 pm
    i didnt even read it? the comment are literally at the bottom do you not know how this website works idiot tojistan

    Then stfu don’t come in the comments just to complain tf? anyway u probably like 14 so let me not argue with a gerb

    _Memes00 July 11, 2021 1:25 am
    dont you think i do? u sound dumb tojistan

    You aren't though

    _Memes00 July 11, 2021 1:26 am
    Then stfu don’t come in the comments just to complain tf? anyway u probably like 14 so let me not argue with a gerb Toji’sCumSock

    Fr go help some type children then can accept the help to ones that are breathing instead of fictional ones

    _Memes00 July 11, 2021 1:26 am
    Fr go help some type children then can accept the help to ones that are breathing instead of fictional ones _Memes00

    I meant real now type damn autocorrect

    _Memes00 July 11, 2021 1:27 am
    I meant real now type damn autocorrect _Memes00

    This..,I meant not, not now

    _Memes00 July 11, 2021 1:30 am
    Then stfu don’t come in the comments just to complain tf? anyway u probably like 14 so let me not argue with a gerb Toji’sCumSock

    So I typed my thing wrong what I mean to say is "fr, instead of protecting literally nothing how about spending your time helping some real children that are breathing and can accept the help, instead of fictional ones...things that don't exist"

    tojistan July 11, 2021 2:02 am
    Then stfu don’t come in the comments just to complain tf? anyway u probably like 14 so let me not argue with a gerb Toji’sCumSock

    im literally not but okay pedo lover

    tojistan July 11, 2021 2:03 am
    You aren't though _Memes00

    how you know what i do and dont do? sthu retard

    tojistan July 11, 2021 2:09 am

    anyways not arguing with pedophilia lovers go kill yourselves freaks

    mills.do July 11, 2021 2:22 am
    Bruh y’all weird too for reading this then tf? Lmaooooo gtfoh Toji’sCumSock

    I didn’t read it… it was on the home page and I thought wtf scrolled to comments talking about how hot they both look them commented this

    _Memes00 July 11, 2021 5:02 am

    Wow using slurs yet acting like A saint for fictional people so sad....how about y-y-you Uhm stop wasting your time mostly my time...with your ahem stupidity..and help real children that you've apparently helped, at least real kids can accept your... whatever exactly you're doing....also this whole time you've been well "protecting" fictional kids when you could be.... protecting...now hear me out...REAL CHILDREN??!?!?! WOw woowowowo something that can accept your...hm kindness? Yeah not kind... definitely not... using slurs and telling people to kill themselves you probably don't understand the depth of saying that, seeing how your brain is the size...of well..a nut...also spending your time protecting nothing...air may I say? Yeah you are a problem...you might not know this.. actually you clearly don't know this..but pedophilia is a mental illness something someone can't control... people chose to read this....they had the choice

    _Memes00 July 11, 2021 5:03 am
    Wow using slurs yet acting like A saint for fictional people so sad....how about y-y-you Uhm stop wasting your time mostly my time...with your ahem stupidity..and help real children that you've apparently helpe... _Memes00

    This was meant for ahem....tojistan and their Uhm...brain if that's what you can call it

    _Memes00 July 11, 2021 5:03 am
    Wow using slurs yet acting like A saint for fictional people so sad....how about y-y-you Uhm stop wasting your time mostly my time...with your ahem stupidity..and help real children that you've apparently helpe... _Memes00

    I couldn't reply to them cause it wouldn't let me anway yeah

    Toji’sCumSock July 11, 2021 5:43 am
    Fr go help some type children then can accept the help to ones that are breathing instead of fictional ones _Memes00