It’s my first time commenting in However, I just can’t take it anymore. Is it only me being a nit-picker or does anyone also noticed the change in the way this manhwa is drawn? Why do I remember the first few chapters of MDZS having the same quality as TGSF which is the other project of the drawer?
An artist may simplify their art style down to keep up with the weekly/monthly releases. It can be taxing on the body having to keep up with the same style on a tight schedule, and plus having to draw the same character a hundred times over, you begin to less the details for faster drawing.
If given an extended deadline per chapter, the artist may be able to keep up with the detailed style but you sacrifice the frequent manhua chapters releases.
It’s my first time commenting in However, I just can’t take it anymore. Is it only me being a nit-picker or does anyone also noticed the change in the way this manhwa is drawn? Why do I remember the first few chapters of MDZS having the same quality as TGSF which is the other project of the drawer?