I was not satisfied with that ending at all. What kind of BS justice is that. Now she's still at large trying to switch with Eun Song. She should have remained a dog, making her a figurative and literal b*tch. That closet should have been destroyed while she was still a dog. At the very least her crimes should have ben exposed and her reputation should have ended. She is truly irredeemable, even after everything Eun Song did for her.
I was not satisfied with that ending at all. What kind of BS justice is that. Now she's still at large trying to switch with Eun Song. She should have remained a dog, making her a figurative and literal b*tch. That closet should have been destroyed while she was still a dog. At the very least her crimes should have ben exposed and her reputation should have ended. She is truly irredeemable, even after everything Eun Song did for her.