To those who have read the novel... can you please tell me what chapter of the novel this ...

Naglibing kay Baji July 9, 2021 4:17 pm

To those who have read the novel... can you please tell me what chapter of the novel this is? I cannot wait any longer to know what happened next. Thank you

    Shizu July 9, 2021 4:28 pm

    I haven't read the novel but from what I know the manhwa and novel have different stories now, correct me if I'm wrong though cause I'm not sure myself.

    Naglibing kay Baji July 10, 2021 6:54 am
    I haven't read the novel but from what I know the manhwa and novel have different stories now, correct me if I'm wrong though cause I'm not sure myself. Shizu

    Ah really? I haven't read the novel but I guess you're right. Thank you.