. . . . Why are people calling Seungeon an asshole in this situation? I genuinly don't un...

Lyn July 9, 2021 3:52 pm


Why are people calling Seungeon an asshole in this situation? I genuinly don't understand. Seungeon was ready to have normal conversation about cigarets with him. Hyungseo was rude first, what was Seungeon supposed to do. Hug him and shake his hand for being rude to him and blowing disgusting smoke at him? Of course he is gonna retort.

    AnimeFame July 9, 2021 4:09 pm

    I ment to like it

    Thirsty July 9, 2021 6:26 pm

    Loool you actually made a post about it?!
    That person seemed to just to be rude who calls people names and thinks it’s the norm. Don’t let everything get to you.