Yeah, that's what I dislike about Kouren. Starting a war when the relationship with the other country isn't that bad either. That's not good at all. But, I also dislike Tao idea of being a vassal country because it means giving up on her country. Can't they just be allies? I doubt Soo Won is that ambitious that he want to conquer her country. Don't you think sending a peace envoy and signing a peace treaty with Kouka is a better option? Like it will buy them sometime to build their country power and see Kouka true intention.
Tao and Kouren country is poor and lacking in many ways. I don't see any benefit for Kouka to conquer it. Gold? Probably not. Glory? Maybe. But I don't think So Won is that ambitious. Don't know but being a vassal country is not a better option to me. it kind of leave a bad taste in my mouth. So Won is a great king but there is no guarantee that the next king is as great as him. The next king can abused his power and bully the vassal country for all they care. It happen in history where a country ask their vassal country to give tribute, sending hostages, sending army, etc. If there is a better option, they shouldn't choose to be a vassal country.
I try to empathize with Princess Tao point of view but i can't because I understand Princess Kouren feeling. For some people, it's better to fight till the death than giving up on your freedom. I don't agree with both of the princess but I understand Princess Kouren motivation to protect her kingdom as kind of a person as Princess Tao is.