How it actually ended

Arxl July 9, 2021 8:21 am

So i actually read the light novel( It wasn't exactly one and i don't know how to describe how it was written?) a loooong time ago because the manga never updated and I really liked the plot, and from what I can remember a lot of stuff happened in there than what it actually shows in the manga after they left the prison. Like there was 3 volumes of the writing from what I can remember, maybe even more. I hope they'll continue the manga, but in the novel there was a lot of angst and some insane plot because of their spy work, and like in the latest chapter they do leave each other a lot and they do see other people due to their jobs but because of that they'll also run into each other again even though dick (or yuuta?) got plastic surgery. There was a secondary side relationship between a guy who liked yuuta and another guy as well after dick and yuuta met each other again on a mission
