
DID alters CANNOT die. They can only go dormant, or integrate or fuse with another existing alter.
A DID alter does not simply "die" if they integrate or fuse, though; it lives on in parts in whichever alter(s) it fused with.
Huge, dangerous misconception among people who don't have DID themselves. An alter truly dying would be the body dying as well. This webtoon doesn't depict DID well at all.
If yall wanna read for the smut, go ahead since its uncensored. But if yall wanna read for the plot, read at your own risk. [rushed n unsatisfactory ending]
I dont mind if there's rape scene but I get triggered if its being pushed off as nothing is wrong. Like as if its okay and totally normal for him to do that just because he's formed form the negative emotions.
Puting that topic aside, this story has its potential but sadly failed towards the end. Seems like the mangaka didn't know how to end this story. Its rushed and just made the rating drop drastically.
Not to mention, I dislike the idea of host being the one who disappeared but that's just my own view on DID kind of stories. In fact, its my first time reading where the host died. Didn't know its possible or the mangaka is the one who made it possible. Cant give a high rating for this manga sadly