can we just follow the story now? The extra are good but i need to now what happens on the...

Free.Wings September 11, 2016 4:45 am

can we just follow the story now? The extra are good but i need to now what happens on the story next.

    Ann September 11, 2016 9:29 pm

    There won't be a new chapter for the main story for a while :( maybe in the end of December or in February 2017

    li'hime September 12, 2016 2:04 am

    Ha ha ha ha you is joking right?

    Lisa September 12, 2016 6:35 am
    Ha ha ha ha you is joking right? li'hime

    Sadly, no. B-Boy Magazine is published bi-monthly (on the 28th) and in every edition, there is a preview for the next one listing which mangas will be featured. In the edition of August 28, there was no mentioning of Finder for the Oktober 28 edition, hence there will be no new chapter in Oktober. So the EARLIEST date for a new chapter will be December, 28 or February, 28. It might even be later than that. On the bright side, sensei published the extra and the translated version is in the chapter list. Enjoy! :)

    Free.Wings September 16, 2016 12:11 am

    So apparently I will live a long life the way this story is going cuz I ain't dying before I finish it! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Thanks for the info if you had not told me I would have goon to Finder page to see for updates. Life!