girl./dude..... its not. its just a coincidence that his partner is in the mood of doing that/ ok with that. sakura is probably going to continue even if umeya didn't wake up. it's never okay to do anything without consent even to your partner. that's literally SA/rape. it happens all the time in rl, it happens to me too

You dont need to overthink it and relate it woth yourself in the first place. Idk why yall assuming something that not even included in the manga like the character is the real person that can think like that. If the author mention both parties are comfortable abt it who yall to say that Sakura borderline raping his partner? Yall ridiculos, and if you're uncomfortable abt it why you read it in the 1st place? I wouldn't do anything that will literally trigger my trauma bruh.

ikr i have a bf and he does stuff to me when im sleeping (its so hot and for what)and i do stuff to him when he's sleeping(biting to be exact) and we both enjoy it ...personally i find it weird when people say its rape when they have sex frequently and they are in a relationship ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ i guess its people's own preferences..? (not hating on anyone)

the author mention both parties are comfortable with it so its fine. but legally thats rape. you cant consent because youre not awake so nobody should be doing anything to you when youre asleep. anyways if my girlfriend do stuff to me when im asleep but i didnt like it, i'll tell her to stop. if she stop thats fine but if she continue then for me its rape
Why is the translator said that this manga is problematic? It's literally the purest and unproblematic manga tho ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭