i feel exactly the same way, i feel as if cain was only added in as like a barrier between yahwi and jooin and to stir shit up. all cain does is though himself all over jooin now that he’s randomly kissed him in his sleep without consent cuz “he wanted to feed the pill to him” there was so many other ways he could have given him that pill without kissing him, he knew how sick jooin was and he still forced himself on him. he also is just leaching off of jooin because he got scammed with his own house for being a fucking idiot and also randomly coming to a whole new place without even doing any research, he’s not a newborn and needs to stop acting like it to be “cute” he’s just acts stupid and uses infant speech all the time. yahwi is just as bad, he’s a rapist and treats jooin as some kind of sex worker, (when he tried paying his after sex) and now yahwi is now trying to act better and saying he likes jooin all because cain shown up out of mid air and yahwi can’t move on. and abt jooin he is just a player, he’s literally lets yahwi do what ever he wants to him but only “fights back” the slightest bit, and then as soon as he gets in he lets cain do with him as he pleases. he’s leading them both on and he knows it he just acts as if he’s rejecting them both by leading them on 9/10ths of the time and rejecting them 1/10ths of the time. so in conclusion all 3 of them r bad mcs and we haven’t even gotten a second of relief or and insight of like who’s gonna end up with who it’s kinda just like a whole ass threesome
jooin is one of the most annoying mcs i have ever seen. he acts exactly like a shoujo romance mc who im sure almost no one likes. he's selfish, leads other people on, and just straight up confuses them because what,, he can't decide? overall he's just fucking annoying and im not changing my mind.
yahwi is a fucking rapist. i literally could care less about his past. because he was left alone, now he feels entitled for everything? he literally said he doesn't like others taking away "his" things. he thinks of jooin as his own property, arrogant and the only reason he's trying to change is now that cain showed up in the picture.
cain? he's a literal fucking dog. he lies to jooin so he can live with him, literally just pounces on him every single time like what is personal space haha. him acting cute doesnt change the fact that his character is all about jooin. tell me one thing about his character that isnt in relation with jooin. he's there just to make yahwi jealous like ffs give his character some depth at least? like oH he wAs a DoG in his past life and jooin was his master, hmm yes enough about his own character.
conclusion: they all suck.
i will probably get a lot of hate for this but everyone is just annoying except for that blond friend of yahwi's.