Back then i thought the first wife was the same age as him, i mean that's why i i thought the wife died, i thought it was because she gave birth at 15 so her body is not ready and she died
I mean 14 years old girl raping a 14 years old boy is still sick, but somehow it's probably because she was educated wrong, so i put the blame on the boy's mother rather than the wife, since the novel i read stated that the king's mother also force him to have sex with his wife because there's other relative who can take the throne if the king dies before having an heir, so these both women (the king's mother and the wife) are obsessed to quickly have an heir to strengthen their royal position, novel also described that the king genuinely love the wife, but the wife doesn't care about love and only obsessing about her position as queen, me assuming the wife is still minor, tried to see her as victim of wrong education (her family educated her that she has to be a queen, so she grew up that way, and it's worse that her husband's mother also have the same obsession)
But hearing the wife was 5 years older (or even more) i immediately changed my mind (i only read the novel until chapter 28 so i haven't heard about the wife's real age), now it's even more sickening to see her in pictures
Its bad enough that he was assaulted in the first place, and I knew it happened cause it got spoiled way back when, but it's even worse that it happened while he was so young. Like I feel sick just thinking about it :(