Lexi July 8, 2021 5:11 pm

ok first off thats the dendro symbol yes? that means using barb on a dendro(?) abyss mage isnt gonna do shit help why couldnt they just put diluc or smth (like put him in for a few pages then switch him out dhfgsi) also how often does aether and childe die that they need 2 healers on the team and where the fuck did zl come from I- HOW DID ZL COME TO THEM FASTER THAN SUCROSE I- bijj I have so many questions what is this

    Sad btch July 9, 2021 4:02 am

    It’s a dj and they prob put jean and barbara so the plot of both of them leaving for mondstand makes sense. The the symbol does look like a denro symbol but it makes more sense for it to be a sucubbus symbol seeing how aether acted and how the abyss mage had hearts on it