Why soo pissed? I read bl cuz I like it, but it doesn't give me the right to just "ship" anyone I meet or see, or assume who's the "top" or "bottom" of a friend duo. Fetishizers don't know their boundaries. For example, you ship two boys in your class, and that makes them uncomfortable and wants you to stop but you DON'T and still keep oogling and FETISHIZING them. If they act flirty, that's on them, and it's okay for a casual smile or privately fangirl/boying. But if you start asking them uncomfortable questions like who's the top or bottom, spreading rumors, esp, then shame on you. Shipping is good, but in moderation. KNOW YOUR LIMITS. GAYS AND PART OF THE COMMUNITY AREN'T SHUNNED AND PERSECUTED FOR YALL TO FETISHIZE.
If your annoyed and pissed of I what I commented, then that comment is made for the likes of you.
If you're an ally or part of the community, I am ashamed.

You're the one who is annoyed and piissed off...and overreacting. What the fuck are you going on about? Who made rumours? Who is asking them anything about top or bottom?
First of all, these are fictional characters. Secondly, even the fictional fujoshis aren't staying all this to their faces, nobody sane would ever do that.
It's nothing to do with fetishizing - that's just being plain disrespectful. It would equally be uncomfortable when people do this to straight couples as well, when they try to interfere in their relationship and ask them personal questions....many people are generally interfering and they're assholes.
Stop feeling like a goddamn victim all the time. I support the freedom to love whoever you want, but I don't support idiotic SJWs like you who play "holier-than-thou" card and use your sexuality as some kind of hammer down in an argument "I can read this, like this, say and do this because I'm gay..." it's kinda sick. Stop being so immature.

If my "aah yes. what a bunch of fetishizers" really made you angry and put crap like, "I'm gay so I can read and like it, but if you're straight and you like it, you're a blight on humanity itself" then your stand of point is on waver.
"You're the one who is annoyed and pissed off...and overreacting. What the fuck are you going on about? Who made rumors? Who is asking them anything about top or bottom?"
----Didn't meant about the bl, but the fetishizers, indirectly on the bl and on real life. In the bl, they ship the two MLs casually without even confirming if they're okay with it, and that points that they get satisfaction of their oblivion and that itself is wrong. The things about bottoms and tops, I then meant the fujos I met and knew.
"First of all, these are fictional characters"
----Really? What happens to the "You are what you eat"? 2D or whatever, it's wrong.
"Secondly, even the fictional fujoshis aren't staying all this to their faces, nobody sane would ever do that. It's nothing to do with fetishizing - that's just being plain disrespectful"
----Yes they are disrespectful. As much I want to, I want them to stop being assholes. But I can't expect that NOBODY will pull this crap as I had experienced it first hand.
"It would equally be uncomfortable when people do this to straight couples as well, when they try to interfere in their relationship and ask them personal questions....many people are generally interfering and they're assholes"
----My point, actually...
"Stop feeling like a goddamn victim all the time. I support the freedom to love whoever you want, but I don't support idiotic SJWs like you who play "holier-than-thou" card and use your sexuality as some kind of hammer down in an argument "I can read this, like this, say and do this because I'm gay..." it's kinda sick. Stop being so immature"
----First sentence, ooopsss, victim-blaming, yikes. Also I wasn't being the victim though? If the thing between persecution made you think I was playing the victim, then you aren't really understanding the status of the community. I confess that I am not pure than what you expect I am but my self is built up upon principles and morals where I distinguish the right between the wrong.
"I can read this, like this, say and do this because I'm gay"
----Did I say something like that? Also using my sexuality as a weapon, when did I? Did I say that I'm gay? straight ally? bi? pan? no I did not. Also if this immaturity makes atleast 20 people upvoted or supported, then can I call it intellectual immaturity?
I read bl, and by a lot. But I know my limits. I confess that I sometimes ship REAL people, but on a matter that they won't get uncomfortable. You see, fujos can ship while knowing their boundaries.
I read this because it piqued my interest. Some1 also recommended it to me. The plot? 5/10 'cuz it's still on the early part, the lead? 9/20 'cuz I love the superiorxsubordinate troupe, the supporting chars? if overall then 4/10 and 8/10 to that guy idk what's his name.

Wow you're pressed enough to dissect a comment just to prove your point as irrefutable right lmaooo how triggered are you by fujoshis...
All the rest of the nonsense you said, one thing stuck out to me, you said "they didn't ask them if it was ok to ship them"
For argument"s sake let's say these are REAL people, would you REALLY be insane enough to go up and people and ask permission for something like that???? Isn't that even worse...makes me so sick to even think that would ever happen irl.
You said initially "it's okay for a casual smile or privately fangirl/boying." Like the people in this manhwa were doing, but now you're all "even their obliviousness is wrong and they shouldn't do even if they're not aware of it" - please make up your mind lmao. You're so emotionally triggered that you're mixing up words.
These are fictional people (as in the fujoshis) people irl even if they do it are discreet, or if they aren't, making other people uncomfortable isn't ok. Both for straight and gay couples - that's where the victimhood comes in when you think this happens to only gay people.
Anyone who brags about their principles that are based on exclusive "community" privileges isn't worth considering.
Just a friendly advice; don't centre your life around your sexuality otherwise you'll never be happy. It's just one aspect of ourselves - feeling like a victim where there isn't anything is madness.
Idk why you thought things in quotation Mark's were things you said....they're what most woke gay people say on mangago a lot. You're not that far off from those crazy people.
Nobody cares what you think about the story so don't read it. Go and fetishize fictional characters in some other BLs instead of like these fictional fujoshis who never even mentioned anything to the shipped couple - they were in their own group and didn't involve the main couple so idk why you were so pissed at them. They're fictional ffs.
aah yes. what a bunch of fetishizers