
Yeah but just because in older times it was okey doesn t mean that it s really good, i mean not because it was normalized before it should be okey now, and well everyone has it s own opinion personaly i am mostly unconfortable about her being a kid and him an adult, and wth is she 14 ?? I read that she was barely 10 and he was like 25 or smth
I am kinda shocked cause even tho the author was giving hints at red knight and rubiel, i was denying it so bad especialy after red knight says that he sees rubiel as a little sister or as a little child so i was like yeah there probably gonna have an older brother-little sister relationship but after reading spoilers: ***** that they will end together as grown ups****** i feel unconfy reading the scened btw them now, i know the spoiler didn t happen yet and will happen at the very end but still seing as she is literally a kid and him an adult is gross