
masticatious July 8, 2021 11:45 am

she doesnt have time or the luxury to sit down and learn a new laugauge. cant you just Bibbidi! Bobbidi Boo! her some cultural linguistics? as if making her mute from trauma wasn't bad enough. people are loosing their patience with HER, when its very clearly not her fault and they wouldn't do any better with "vague hand sighs and charades" to communicate in her situation, but they do sure like to pretend its really that simple.

    kamisama July 8, 2021 4:50 pm

    Yeah I'm hoping someone will just cast a spell on her for her to be able to understand lmao. Like who tf has time to just sit around to learn a new language that also it's a fantasy world so I feel like that's the best answer