I dont understand why readers are saying "i love bl and gay couples but i cant stand these...

ryu July 8, 2021 7:54 am

I dont understand why readers are saying "i love bl and gay couples but i cant stand these two". You dont have to like a person because of their skin color, weight or sexuality. Not liking someone as a person doesn't make you homophobic. Before these things can be even more normalized, people need to stop defending themselves to not seem like phobists. You know you, you dont have to prove it to someone else.

    KingSeraph July 8, 2021 11:28 am


    dr43 July 8, 2021 12:12 pm

    True lol. They never said that in BL webtoons when there's a gay antagonist

    Heevo July 8, 2021 1:48 pm

    Preach !!! Never understand this obsession with gay characters and automatically loving them in mangas, stories, shows or whatever just because they are lgbtq+. We are people just like anyone else, we appriciate the love be please be reasonable and educate yourself. Cause liking someone just for their skin color, weight or sexuality like OG commenter said is called fetishising.

    Buu July 8, 2021 4:50 pm

    Although that should be the norm. Some people probs rather not get into a pointless argument where they both believe the same thing but they just misunderstood each other.

    I've seen and experience long threads where people misread each other's comments and an argument ensues.

    In my experience, what I commented was related to a game and it was an explanation post on how a voting system works and how to best benefit from it by providing results from previous years.

    The person who disagree with me, accused me and another (who helped explain), of manipulating new players which wasn't our intentions at all.

    Furthermore all our evidence was results found from the last 4 years so there wasn't false evidence. The results would even show up easily if they would just Google it. Yet a long argument ensues.

    A disclaimer like "I like bl but these humans are trash" provide the person who reads it with a less likely chance to misunderstand.