That’s not FAIR Kwon! You set up all these rules, and when it was over, it was going to...

5cmprince July 8, 2021 7:28 am

That’s not FAIR Kwon!
You set up all these rules, and when it was over, it was going to be over. And he ended it. Now you’re demanding his feelings be known to you? Feelings were never a part of the deal. Actually, this was supposed to end when you caught feelings. So it ended. This boy is going through so much emotionally after his coma. Give him a break. Yes, you two need to talk, but a screaming match in the street doesn’t constitute a productive conversation.
But I will say, the emotions and interactions in this are so realistic. Because people aren’t fair. People are demanding and selfish. It’s not so cut and dry. So as frustrated as I am, I still love the storytelling happening here.
