I didn't read the story, please spoil meee! Or atleast tell me what is going on in this st...

tiny July 8, 2021 6:55 am

I didn't read the story, please spoil meee! Or atleast tell me what is going on in this story ヾ(☆▽☆) seems like this story is good to read

    Yuuya July 9, 2021 10:23 am

    Many said that the author had dropped this bookヽ(`Д´)ノ but here's a bit summary about the book if you want to read it

    Season 1 is the story about Terry and Mike. Terry's family has an ability that male can get either himself or his partner pregnant by sleeping while holding hand. Mike got into an accident and Terry tried to save him. While they were in coma, they were holding hand together when entering the emergency centre. Therefore, one of them probably got pregnant. Terry was mad because he thought he's the one that got pregnant because he already got pregnancy sign like morning sickness. So he gave a hard time for Mike and treated him like a servant. Later on, Mike also got morning sickness but he doesn't know yet that he's pregnant. Terry finally catch feeling with Mike later on and realised he got jealous whenever Mike was with his ex boyfriend (Sam). Sam, that asshole is a possessive bitch. He hate when Terry is with Mike although he already married with a woman. When he saw Mike was feeling unwell, he told Mike to go to the hospital. Later, Mike got know that he is pregnant. He's afraid that he got pregnant with Sam's child so he tried to runaway, since that asshole might locked him up if he knew that Mike is pregnant with his child. So, Terry finally confessed to Mike that the child is his own and told him also about his family's ability. Yada yada they finally got together and decided to raise the child together. Later, Mike gave birth and start working while Terry continue his study in university (Terry is younger than Mike). They got problems about taking care of the baby at first because both are busy but they solved the problems and finally be a happy family.

    Terry's brother, Tony and his partner, Will appeared in both season 1 and 2 but there are not many scenes about them. Tony got drunk one day and wanted to get a taxi. But he accidentally got into Will's car. Then, Will slept with him that night. Although they slept together, Tony glad that his gloves is still on and they are not sleeping while holding hand. Later, they met again and Tony was drunk again and get into Will's car. During this second time, Tony accidentally blurred out that he can get pregnant if someone hold his hand. So, Will jokingly hold his hand but only for a few minutes. Later when they slept, Tony is the one who slept while holding Will's hand. Thus, he got pregnant with Will's child. Yada yada they both catch feelings for each other although Tony at first don't like Will because he's a rich boy. Tony and Terry's first father is from a rich family. But he left them with their second father. They don't know that he left them because he's sick, so Tony really dislike rich people. But Will promise that he is not someone like most people in the drama so yeah, in the end they both get together

    Season 2 is about Tony and Terry's cousin, Sean. Sean is best friend with Jake. Jake has been interested in Sean since middle school. Later in high school, he saved Sean from bullies and then become bestie with Sean. When he confessed to Sean, Sean avoided getting confessed by him. I'm not sure if he is feeling gross about two men get together or because he's afraid since Jake came from a rich family. But later, jealously had blinded Jake when he saw Sean is getting together with another man (Kyle). So, he forced himself with Sean. On that day, Sean got pregnant with Jake's child because they did fall asleep while holding hand. Although Jake is an asshole, Tony advised Sean to tell him about the pregnancy. On the day they promised to met, Jake saw that Kyle was kissing Sean so he thought that was the important thing that Sean wanted to tell him. So he got angry and try to run his motorcycle to Kyle. But Sean protect Kyle and he got hurt instead and the baby in his stomach got kill (this is all happened in flashback). Now, Sean had moved to some away place and got into debt because he need to pay for his niece' medical fee (although Sean claimed that the girl is actually his daughter, still not sure who's the other father yet because Sean also worked as a surrogate person to make money). So later, Jake found him again paid Sean's debt. He also get to know from Tony that he had kill his own child on that day of the accident. So because of the guilt, he tried to kill himself. The suicide failed but he still got into coma. He kept dreaming about his unknown child & his happy life with Sean and felt broken about i when he knew it's only a dream, not a reality. When he awake, both him and Sean shared about their pain and try to heal themselves. Then, they tried to return back as how they were before. That Kyle guy, he already married with Jake's sister and has a son, but seems like he didn't even care about his family and only kept thinking about Sean only (ASSHOLE)

    Anyways, the story ended here. I think Sean and Jake's story is the most heartbreaking one especially when Jake told Sean about how he's dreaming about their child and how happy their life is in the dream ┗( T﹏T )┛I really want to see what happened next

    tiny July 9, 2021 11:34 am
    Many said that the author had dropped this bookヽ(`Д´)ノ but here's a bit summary about the book if you want to read itSeason 1 is the story about Terry and Mike. Terry's family has an ability that male can... Yuuya

    This is exactly what I need!! Thank you so much for doing this and for putting so much effort to type this summary ヾ(❀╹∇╹)ノ~

    Yuuya July 9, 2021 11:44 am


    bobitybop September 28, 2023 12:53 am
    Many said that the author had dropped this bookヽ(`Д´)ノ but here's a bit summary about the book if you want to read itSeason 1 is the story about Terry and Mike. Terry's family has an ability that male can... Yuuya

    thanks for this! tried checking the art first and the chap i randomly chose was where jake tried to off himself.. so yeah not a good glimpse LOL

    anywhoooo thank you again for writing this. first 2 stories seem okay, 3rd is uhmmm so yeah won't be reading this ahahah