ngl, i almost drop my jaw on the floor after i found out that my manager(male) has a boyfriend of 4 yrs and they both look like a top model. His boyfriend is a racer, really looks like an athlete you wouldnt thought their boyfriends when you see them together. but then they hold hands or touch each others waist whenever they meet so yeah Even meet this seaman friend and his seafairer student boyfriend. Ive read too much yaoi i guess that I support them a lot

Babe you need to educate yourself on homophobia. I personally am not a straight female, and I agree that a lot of fujoshis/fudanshis are problematic, especially when it comes to this topic (switching) but it's not homophobia. Switching is not something that only exists in homosexuality, sure it's rare in heterosexuality but not nonexistent. People have preferences, get over it.
Do you understand what you read in your precious yaoi isn't reality?? Insane? Ikr?!! Y'all want the image or hetero relationships in homosexual ones too. If it's not stereotypical you get mad? Lol.