rant lol

chi July 8, 2021 12:17 am

im just hate reading this at this point winter pisses me off so much im getting tired of all his 'you cant be depressed I've been through way worse than you' i will NEVER root for him. my hatred towards him is immeasurable. if they do end up together I'd like to see winter suffer so much he doesnt wanna live anymore. and yall keep saying they should have more communication,,, bro he doesnt even try to put in effort hes a dick i better not see anyone defending that man

    ElenaAvatar6363 July 8, 2021 12:18 am

    Same here omg I literally want him to drown in guilt

    chi July 8, 2021 12:24 am
    Same here omg I literally want him to drown in guilt ElenaAvatar6363

    i scream in rage evrrytime i read this i just wanna yk