WAIT STOPP so I just finish reading it and luckily my heart is okay some pieces feel off but I’ll be alright :) but he ended up with touma right?? RIGHT???? NAH HE BETTER HAVE because if he didn’t I will literally cause madness, I will literally start world war 3, I WILL LITERALLY BREAK EVERYBODY'S ANKLES, AND WHEN I SAY EVERY BODIES I MEAN EVERYONE, INCLUDING YOU, YOUR PARENTS, YOUR CHILDREN, YOUR UNCLE, YOUR GRANDMA, YOUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR, BITCH MERCY ISNT A WORD IN MY VOCABULARY, I WILL EVEN BREAK YOUR FISHES ANKLES, NOBODY IS SAFEEE HAHAHAHAHAHA jk I’ll probably just cry… everyday… and be depressed forever… but yeah please tell me thats him bc I’m freaking out rn
I’m sorry i can’t stop laughingg im on chapter 53 and everything was going well right I though it was gonna end there with them happy and being bestie again but suddenly it says they broke up… LMAOOO SIR WHATT did I miss a chapter or something??? HAHAHaAh WHY ARE WE GOING SO FUCKIN FAST SLOW DOWNN hahahaha like they didn’t suger coat it or nothing they just went straight to the point “I BROKE UP WITH FUTABA” HAHaHaHAh like I was over her in my feels crying tears of joy, pain, confusion, bitch I was going threw the whole 5 stages of grief, when they decide to body slam me with this shit AHHHH. No but now im scared to continue reading this my poor little heart can’t take it any more. Like SHITT I haven’t even gotten my heart broken by a guy YET CHILL