Trigger gay

Fishdoctor93 July 7, 2021 7:46 pm

Isn’t he a closeted gay? Was that not him in the earlier chapters confiding in Chloe to keep it a secret? That’s why he’s proposing to her so they help each other out. He will live freely without societal pressure to marry and have children and Chloe will no longer be a slave and can even practice medicine and stuff. Am I confused?

Anyway, I want to see our ML in a panic

    Merie July 8, 2021 12:06 am

    that's EXACTLY it actually lol

    Fishdoctor93 July 8, 2021 6:51 pm
    that's EXACTLY it actually lol Merie

    Omg okay! See thanks! All these other confused friends starting confusing me and I was just too lazy to go back and read that chapter when he confides his sexuality to her. Sigh. Man us manga readers have it tough! Lol!