I’m so confused

♥Jupiter♥ July 7, 2021 7:34 pm

I’m so confused as to why the aunt stole yi yuns embryo? And also is that the nice aunt I can’t tell? Did she think is was jinyaos embryo and if that’s the case wouldnt that be her great nephew or sum like that can someone please fill me in on what I’m missing here!

    Haru July 7, 2021 7:38 pm

    Only Jinyao's eldest son can be the next head of the family. She thinks that's the baby she stole.

    Jeyyy July 7, 2021 7:38 pm

    She stole thinking it's jinyao's first born (bc she doesn't know about rourou but even if so that's yiyi's son and npt jinyao's) so she can inherit property of feng family. She doesn't care if it's her nephew or anything,she's two faced bitch. All she cares about is getting property of fengs.

    trix July 7, 2021 7:40 pm

    She stoled the embryo stored under Jinyao's name, but it was the previously switched Yi Yi embryo. Her intention is to have the first born in the family's net generation, hence, the heir, but she doesn't know about Rourou(or the fact that the baby she just "made" is in fact not his nephew's.
    Sorry if it's confused ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Gh0stG1rl July 7, 2021 7:46 pm

    Yeap, she thought it was jinyao's. I think the aunt is infertile. Plus her husband has no blood ties to feng's family. do, even if his husband take another wife of mistress to get children, the child will not be a part of the feng family. So, she took jinyao's embryo and conceived using surrogate because then the child will have the same blood as feng. So, with a son of a feng, she will gain a bit more advantage in inheritance etc.

    Supposedly if the embryo is jinyao's,
    /Genetically the baby will be his but technically it will be the aunt's because she take care of him. And
    Unfortunately, the embryo is changed and it was yiyun's.

    KeraQ July 7, 2021 9:37 pm

    I cant wait to see her face when she discovers the truth. It will be poetic.