Usually in other gay manga's when there is sexual assault or Rape nobody ever talks about it and they ignore it and move on because the person is "hot" and make excuses so I'm so fucking happy to see this comment I was thought i was gonna see everyone ignoring it again. so I was sexual assaulted and I didn't speak up because I didn't know what sexual assault was so these comments are so important to me and other survivors, I was so angry the whole time reading it after that scene and I was so confused because it never came up, I had to go back through and read and see what happened since i couldn't go on reading the first time. It's so annoying to see people thinking its easy to tell the cops, some people can't live through it again and having to explain it to people is harder, even harder when then cops they have different reactions and don't believe it and your so right male survivors are almost never believed.

also gosh, they seriously need warning's of those type of scenes, It can be very dangerous to someone's mental health to just be reading a nice romantic sexual book and without being warned having to see something they've lived through that's fucked up their lives carelessly thrown into a book like that. I hope The guy finds someone to talk to about what happened and gets clarity to what the guy did and realize it wasn't his fault.
Not the one person in the comments blaming the uke for not coming out to his partner for the assult even tho he was literally manipulated and gaslighted into think HE was at fault for the assult. Also the whole ' HE SHOULD HAVE REPORT HIM ' yeah he shouldve, but do you not understand the whole fucking trauma he was going through? Do you think it's so fucking easy for a victim to go to the authorities? Especially when majority of the time male victims arent taken seriously? Or most of assults victims for that matter? Its not so easy as you think it fucking is, again ESPECIALLY when he just came from his assult. His assaulter LITERALLY manipulated him to thinking HE was at fault do you not understand how fucking hard it is to get your brain to say no I was fucking not? Lord, why the hell you blaming the damn victim? And don't come with the bullshit of ' THEN WHY DID HE ACT SO GO LUCKY WITH HIM?' again, do you not understand how some victims react to their abusers? He's a known friends of his so of course his brain will try and shield him from the trauma especially if it someone close to you. Think person think. This happens to victims who abusers where friends, lovers or family members, so blaming him for acting that way is so fucked lord the victim blaming is over the roof!