Wheew, so lucky! They got there at the right moment. No dick = no rape. He is clear for hi...

loveholic July 7, 2021 11:06 am

Wheew, so lucky! They got there at the right moment. No dick = no rape. He is clear for his seme :v

    Sum soup July 7, 2021 11:12 am

    i meant to dislike. sorry !

    loveholic July 7, 2021 11:21 am
    i meant to dislike. sorry ! Sum soup

    So you disagree with me that it’s ridiculous? They want to show rape, but just “a little bit”, “softcore”, so they stop before penetration, like this is the worst or main part of sex. There is no “worst part”, it’s crime from the start.

    Sum soup July 7, 2021 6:34 pm
    So you disagree with me that it’s ridiculous? They want to show rape, but just “a little bit”, “softcore”, so they stop before penetration, like this is the worst or main part of sex. There is no “w... loveholic

    no i meant the "he's all clear for his seme"
    like bro that's such a disgusting thing to say